Tuesday, November 27, 2012


THIS design produces bell-like sounds, using the multiple harmonics of sinewaves to give the tonality expected from bells, complete with the decay of each note played. In its simple standalone form, as described here initially, it is triggered by a 4 × 4 matrix data keypad. This allows the 12 notes of an octave,
including sharps, to be generated. The remaining four keys causes the octave of the note to be changed, providing a complete four-octave range.

Serial IO controller & analogue sampler

Looking for an easy-to-drive I/O controller? This unit connects to the serial port of your PC and can be programmed to switch relays, in response to voltage, resistance, temperature and digital inputs. It also includes comprehensive system timers to control the relays and you can set the system up to operate as a PLC-style controller.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Remote-Controlled Mains Switch

Want to switch mains appliances on and off remotely? This UHF Remote Mains Switch can do it for you. It’s operated using a handheld UHF transmitter, and an in-built timer also enables the unit to turn off automatically after a preset period.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Laser Communication System

This laser communication system transmits sound or music signals through a laser beam. The intensity of the laser beam changes with the amplitude of the sound signal. The variation in the intensity of the laser beam is converted into a variation in the voltage level by using a calculator’s solar panel. The voltage variation on the solar panel is amplified by a low-voltage audio power amplifier LM386 and reproduced by a speaker. The maximum output of audio amplifier LM386 is 1 watt, while its voltage gain is 20 to 200.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Graduate Project || iPhone Ultrasound

This project will use an iPhone 4S to perform an optical A-scan ultrasound. An A-scan is a 1-dimensional ultrasound scan ophthalmologists use to measure the axial lengths of eyeball components. These measurements of the eye are used to calculate intraocular lens power for cataract surgeries. Probes typically operate at 10MHz since the short distances in the eyeball require high resolution. While there are handheld ultrasound probes available, they all use processor/video/input hardware created specifically for that device - driving up its cost while having a poor UI. Many doctors now already carry this hardware around in their pocket on a smartphone, so why not utilize it to drive down medical device costs and improve their user interfaces? The phone could also provide power to the probe, making this a valuable tool to doctors in areas where the only power available may be in their pocket. We propose connecting a probe tip to a transmitter/receiver circuit, which would also perform any necessary pre-processing of incoming data. The data would be sent via the new low-energy Bluetooth standard to an iPhone 4S, where the data is further processed, results are displayed, and IOL (intraocular lens) calculations are performed. Hopefully the circuit could be powered by the 3.3V accessory power pin on iPhones, but this remains to be determined. Alternatively, a small battery will power the circuit. We have a donated probe tip and iPhone 4S at our disposal.


Most thefts happen after midnight hours when people enter the second phase of sleep called ‘paradoxical’ sleep. Here is an energy-saving circuit that causes the thieves to abort the theft attempt by lighting up the possible sites of intrusion (such as kitchen or backyard of your house) at around 1:00 am. It automatically resets in the morning.

Automatic Room Power Control

An ordinary automatic room power control circuit has only one light sensor. So when a person enters the room it gets one pulse and the lights come ‘on.’ When the person goes out it gets another pulse and the lights go ‘off.’ But what happens when two persons enter the room, one after the other? It gets two pulses and the lights remain in ‘off’ state. The circuit described here overcomes the above-mentioned problem. It has a small memory which enables it to automatically switch ‘on’ and switch ‘off’ the lights in a desired fashion.